lol not really a letter, am legit just describing them lmfao

ZZA - I respect her to bits and I love her to the moon and back. She's the most modest person I've ever known in a while. She's very down to earth and a little bit whimsical, in a good way. Not very fashionist kind of girl, but counts as well-groomed. I adore her personality and I hope one day she's going to make an honest man of her. Her wonderful character makes everyone endear her right off bat.

NMS - Wahhh this girl is seriously someone to be reckoned with. She utterly hates obstreperous and she takes every bit of words that come from your mouth seriously. Very focus and I love being around her. Easily laughs which makes me love to perpetually crack jokes.

DSC - One of the prettiest girls in class. She can be very feminine at times and also change to a hulk in a snap of a finger if you mess with her, so don't mess with her. Especially, with her fabulous hair. I messed with her a lot in class and yes with her hair but she seemed cool about it.

IDR - Seriously my LOVEHATE best friend! We both are the wackiest yet freakiest. She is sometimes my favorite but could be my worst enemy, in pertinent way. She's the only person I can say the word 'b' 'f' 's' 'w' with. I constantly make fun of her for being so MAMA's and DADDY's girl. I wish we could keep our friendship lasts, sw.

DSR - the stand alone gal. It isn't that she has no friends but she is independent like she could still be 'alive' without anyone with her. And the strangest thing about her is she used to have many adopted sisters brothers. She's amiable that people can easily get along with her.

NAD - Honestly, I think she is an excellent leader. She can be strict and at the same time she can also be lenient, depending on the people she handles with. She gets power-crazed quite easily. She is somewhat ferocious. I remember that moment when she caused an uproar for having a fight with a girl from our next class. Bahh! I furtively supported her tho!

MH - She is one of my close friends. I miss hanging out with her, being in a car, laughing on stupid jokes we cracked, roaming the town crazily. She is also so vogue, the hottest girl in class. What makes me like her is her spirit, never back down from a fight, willing to give her best shot and mind bogglingly talented.

NAR - Here it comes the uppermost student in class. She beats the hell outta us in every exam. Also the tallest girl in class. Meticulously focus and can be a little bit intractable. Quite frolicsome and likes to laugh. Carefree all the time and hyperactive. Adore her for being so funny at times and I don't know I'm sorry if I say this, you have that looks that sometimes I find funny? I mean, you're funny in a cute way!

SJ - She is Dika's bestfriend. It's good to be her friend cause she's not judgy. She doesn't like chaos. I respect her humbleness. Honestly, I think she is friendly and very good at making friends which I'm not. Easily fitting in and happy go luckyy of course. She also has a lot of guy friends. We've been friends since primary school actually and we met again in SM ST PAUL in 2010 after 2 years I guess and then moved together in SMK Beaufort III and graduated our high school together. Trust me, she has that laugh that makes everyone in the room laughs even harder even if the jokes don't even get to the punchline.

RP - this is our class performer. She used to sing in class during curricular period. Like her voice, maybe because she is from Indonesia, that's why her voice is strangely unique. Also older than the rest of us. A little bit boyish but loves pink.

NFF- Yuni's partner. Beautiful girl from Semenanjung. The funniest is that her accent is more Indonesian. Forming good rapport with class teacher.

SKH - Girl from Brunei. Moved to SMKB3 in 2014. Decent girl. Good friend. My debate partner. Sometimes I think she understands me more than my close friends. I don't know. I hope it goes on and on and on even tho we aren't that close.

NS - She is very quiet but not secluded. She eccentrically has a witty characteristic and that makes people adore her. Almost the coolest girl in class. Like her for being so cool and just go with the flow. Never seen her mad, maybe because her nature is genuinely calm and smooth.

MAR - The best boy friend in class, I like to be around him because that makes me feel safe. I do feel safe because he is like a bodyguard to everyone in class. I wish we could be friends forever and I also hope he will be there for me, protecting me, because that who he is. But, his sensitiveness irks me a little.

MOP - Used to be my crush, because you're too cute to handle. Just kidding. I like him a lot. Such a sweet friend and he used to be my comforter. My good friend and debate partner.

ZR - Damn sweet talker. I almost knocked out because of his charm. Just joking. I recall those days when girls quarreling over him. I was like darn he got you kids. His heart remains for his only 'one'. So, you guys can dream off.

AN - The coolest person in class. Well, he oftens compare himself to Bruno Mars. Well-liked and a jokester in class. Being funny is his cynosure I guess that's why girls go crazy over him. Not me tho. Recall back in school days, he had perpetually been seen simply clad in his sport attire. Honestly, he is pertinent even though he can be very irksome.

MR - Alwan's partner in crime. Don't mess with Risyam because he is a gangsta from Johor. Hehe. He has a brothaa who is bigger than him. Waaa that's enough to make people having struck dumb. Sometimes I think he has a lotta 18+ in his head. He's not a clique and I love being his friend. Also Iqlima's partner.

MS - Our smiler in class. His smile lifts the room. His jokes breaks the atmosphere. He's not always in class and seeing him is like a miracle.

MAJ - The most mysterious+weirdest+creative+meticulous guy in class. WOW. He is truly gifted. He loves doing stuff like inventing kits, writing books, reading mythologies, researching strange things. He had depicted some resentment before and we all knew that that's not even who he is. He's soft-spoken and seems to have particular interest in the darker elements of life.

JHJ- It saddens me that we didn't get along well during SPM and I had hard times forgetting him. I can't forget you because you were my best boy friend before, you used to be so caring, a shoulder I could lean on. So protective. but now you don't. And I also disappointed that we couldn't study together just as we both had planned before. I know all about you. It kinda hurt me till this day. I never thought you hated me so much that you blocked me on Facebook. That's really mature of you.

I hereby, state that everything that's written here is sincerely coming from the bottom of my heart. I effing love you guys. I hope we all can stay in touch, sometimes, maybe. Do know that you're in memory. Thanks for being parts of my life.

